‘people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel’ 

Maya Angelou


Learn about community performances

N-Act in the community

1. To date we are proud to have built excellent relationships with numerous schools and colleges across the UK. We have expanded our reach to schools abroad, and our offer includes workshops and performances for businesses, charities and parents, concentrating on mental health awareness, personal safety and anxiety in children.

We deliver Parental Engagement evenings where our performance of Invisible leads into a guided discussion to help support your child towards positive mental health.

We are working with various charities and support groups and performed at the Hope for Life conference in Harrogate December 2023, run by The Jordan Legacy. Our work continues with supporting mental health and suicide prevention through performances across the UK.

Please get in touch if you would like to support us, or want to know more about what we do.

LATEST events

The latest Events

A FREE Showcase Event which touches on the theme of mental health in young people for parents & teachers

N-Act Theatre Company Bookings 2024

N-Act Theatre Company Bookings 2024

We are currently taking bookings for our two most popular productions: Shadow and Invisible. For more information click on the relevant link. If you would like to book a performance please use our brand new online booking form: Also available on request are our...

2023 News

We are now onto our next project! Keep your eyes on this site, or follow us on Facebook, for information! Or click below to find out about our screening of The Line and our Showcase performance of Invisible – coming in January 2023.

COMMUNITY partners 

It is only possible to continue to undertake our work due to the incredible support from a number of community partners. These include:

YMCA Southend • Southend Police • Colchester Arts Centre • Martello Towers, Tendring • Stage House UK • SAVS

As a not-for-profit enterprise, we are always looking to develop new opportunities for support both financial and otherwise, and welcome enquiries from local businesses. It is a very rewarding way for a company to give something back to the local community and support our work while growing their brand locally.

If this is something that you would like to know more about please feel free to make an initial, no obligation, enquiry. We would love to speak with you and would welcome the opportunity to invite you to a performance to see what we do.

If you run an event that you would like us to attend please get in touch

Frequently asked questions

Is your offer affected by the pandemic?

We will be back in schools as soon as possible. In the meantime, you can access all of our work online by going to our N-Act Digital page

What geographical areas do you cover?

We work primarily in Essex and London but welcome enquiries within similar distances to Southend, where we are based. We do consider requests for further afield, including International Schools. 

Are all performers and N-ACT personnel DBS checked?

Yes everyone is fully safeguarded with enhanced DBS.

We have a full safeguarding policy which is available on request.

Are you GDPR compliant?

We use any data provided by you securely within current GDPR guidelines

Do you require any specific equipment?

We recommend using the school hall or larger drama studio and supply all our own equipment. We just require a few chairs and a plug socket! 

What insurances do you hold?

We carry full public liability insurance and are happy to provide copies if required

How long do the performances last?

One hour 
