Invisible – Now Booking
Invisible – Now Booking

This is a play about mental health, and touches on suicide and self-harm – leaving the audience with the key message that we need to talk – and listen! Available for pupils, parent engagement events, and staff training.

The play is a true story, from someone who told us they want their story to be shared with young people. If they had been able to talk when they were younger, they probably would not have self-harmed, nor would they have attempted suicide.

We follow the story of Denny who has written a blog to his 12-year-old self which he shares with the audience. Through a mixture of humour and pathos, we learn from his experiences when growing up. Denny’s story makes us think about perception, stigma, how to recognise if someone is suffering, how we can help, and when to call in the professionals. A touching and moving story which lifts our hearts.

If you would like to book a performance of Invisible, or would like more information please click here.

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Shadow – Now Booking

Shadow – Now Booking

Shadow is a play about consent, manipulation and the courage to stand up and be counted....


If you run an event that you would like us to attend please get in touch
