N-Act Theatre Company on Tour
N-Act Theatre Company on Tour

We are currently completing a commission from Essex County Council to tour schools with our new production of Shadow. We still have some spaces left for you to book one of our most popular shows: Invisible and Shadow.

“If you’d have told me that the whole of KS4 would watch an hour-long drama production, make contributions and listen so well, I would not have believed you. The performance was mesmerising, and I could feel the tension as it came to the culmination of the plot.”

Latest News

Shadow – Now Booking

Shadow – Now Booking

Shadow is a play about consent, manipulation and the courage to stand up and be counted....

Invisible – Now Booking

Invisible – Now Booking

This is a play about mental health, and touches on suicide and self-harm – leaving the...


If you run an event that you would like us to attend please get in touch
